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Расскажем вам о таком вкусе в линейке мастхэва, ананасовые колечки.

MustHave — один из лидеров российского рынка табака для кальяна. О производителе можно почитать тут.

Вкус сочных сладких ананасовых колечек, маринованных в собственном соку. Вкус который точно должен быть у каждого любителя кальяна. Вкус яркий и сочный, куриться как в соло та и хорошо заходит в миксах. Ананасовые колечки из банки — это именно про этот вкус. Советуем попробовать его каждому и в дальнейшем решить для себя как курить данный вкус.

Характеристики табака Must Have Pineapple Rings

Крепость: средняя

Сырье: табак Бёрли

Жаростойкость: высокая

Время курения: 40-60 минут

Упаковка: банка 25 гр, 125 гр, 250гр

Нарезка: мелкая

Топ миксы с MustHave Pineapple Rings:

  1. Ice Mint 10, Mango Sling 50, Pineapple Rings 40
  2. Pineapple Rings 30, Raspberry 30, Ruby Grape 40
  3. Coconut Shake 20, Pineapple Rings 50, Pinkman 30
  4. Cookie 40, Lemon-Lime 40, Pineapple Rings 20
  5. Estragon 20, Lemon-Lime 20, Pineapple Rings 60
  6. Banana Mama 30, Coconut Shake 30, Frosty 20, Pineapple Rings 20
  7. Coconut Shake 30, Milky Rice 30, Pineapple Rings 40
  8. Banana Mama 20, Coconut Shake 20, Kiwi Smoothie 20, Mango Sling 20, Pineapple Rings 20
  9. Choco-Mint 30, Marula 40, Pineapple Rings 30
  10. Mango Sling 30, Masala Tea 20, Pineapple Rings 50
  11. Estragon 30, Feijoa 10, Frosty 10, Pineapple Rings 50
  12. Barberry Candy 30, Pineapple Rings 40, Raspberry 30
  13. Coconut Shake 50, Pineapple Rings 20, Pistachio Cake 10, Strawberry-Lychee 20
  14. Apple Drops 30, Frosty 10, Pineapple Rings 40, Space Flavour 20
  15. Barberry Candy 40, Pineapple Rings 40, Sweet Peach 20
  16. Ice Mint 10, Pineapple Rings 20, Raspberry 30, Ruby Grape 40
  17. Choco-Mint 50, Pineapple Rings 50
  18. Banana Mama 40, Coconut Shake 20, Frosty 10, Pineapple Rings 30
  19. Banana Mama 30, Frosty 10, Pineapple Rings 40, Sweet Melon 20
  20. Frosty 10, Pineapple Rings 40, Red Bomb 50
  21. Pineapple Rings 40, Pinkman 20, Strawberry-Lychee 40
  22. Coconut Shake 20, Mango Sling 40, Pineapple Rings 40
  23. Apple Drops 20, Pineapple Rings 20, Space Flavour 60
  24. Coconut Shake 10, Kiwi Smoothie 10, Lemon-Lime 10, Pineapple Rings 60, Tropic Juice 10
  25. Coconut Shake 40, Pineapple Rings 20, Pinkman 40
  26. Frosty 10, Pineapple Rings 40, Pinkman 50
  27. Berry Holls 10, Black Currant 20, Blackberry 20, Blueberry 20, Pineapple Rings 30
  28. Pineapple Rings 30, Quince 50, Ruby Grape 20
  29. Berry Holls 20, Pineapple Rings 10, Red Bomb 10, Space Flavour 30, Strawberry-Lychee 30
  30. Barberry Candy 50, Cranberry 20, Ice Mint 10, Pineapple Rings 20
  31. Frosty 10, Lemon-Lime 30, Pineapple Rings 30, Tropic Juice 30
  32. Blueberry 40, Pineapple Rings 40, Pinkman 20
  33. Cherry-Cola 40, Frosty 10, Lemon-Lime 10, Pineapple Rings 30, Raspberry 10
  34. Barberry Candy 10, Black Currant 10, Cranberry 10, Lemon-Lime 20, Marula 20, Nord Star 20, Pineapple Rings 10
  35. Morocco 70, Pineapple Rings 30
  36. Cookie 40, Pineapple Rings 60
  37. Pineapple Rings 30, Pinkman 40, Tropic Juice 30
  38. Kiwi Smoothie 20, Lemon-Lime 20, Mad Pear 10, Pineapple Rings 40, Raspberry 10
  39. Pineapple Rings 70, Pinkman 30
  40. Grapefruit 60, Ice Mint 10, Pineapple Rings 30
  41. Apple Drops 40, Grapefruit 40, Pineapple Rings 20
  42. Coconut Shake 50, Cookie 20, Pineapple Rings 30
  43. Frosty 10, Grapefruit 20, Lemon-Lime 30, Pineapple Rings 40
  44. Coconut Shake 50, Pineapple Rings 50
  45. Berry Holls 10, Blackberry 30, Cherry-Cola 10, Ice Mint 20, Pineapple Rings 30
  46. Mango Sling 40, Pineapple Rings 30, Raspberry 30
  47. Nord Star 50, Pineapple Rings 50
  48. Grapefruit 30, Pineapple Rings 30, Strawberry-Lychee 40
  49. Apple Drops 20, Banana Mama 20, Kiwi Smoothie 20, Mango Sling 20, Pineapple Rings 20
  50. Coconut Shake 30, Frosty 10, Melonade 40, Pineapple Rings 10, Space Flavour 10
  51. Feijoa 30, Frosty 10, Grapefruit 30, Pineapple Rings 30
  52. Apple Drops 40, Ice Mint 10, Pineapple Rings 40, Ruby Grape 10
  53. Mad Pear 60, Pineapple Rings 40
  54. Frosty 10, Lemon-Lime 10, Pineapple Rings 50, Pinkman 30
  55. Frosty 10, Mango Sling 10, Morocco 30, Orange Team 20, Pineapple Rings 30
  56. Coconut Shake 30, Feijoa 20, Frosty 10, Pineapple Rings 40
  57. Coconut Shake 40, Grapefruit 20, Lemon-Lime 10, Pineapple Rings 20, Pinkman 10
  58. Banana Mama 20, Coconut Shake 30, Ice Mint 10, Pineapple Rings 40
  59. Coconut Shake 20, Mango Sling 30, Pineapple Rings 50
  60. Apple Drops 30, Banana Mama 10, Kiwi Smoothie 20, Pineapple Rings 10, Space Flavour 30
  61. Coconut Shake 20, Mango Sling 20, Pineapple Rings 40, Sweet Melon 20
  62. Grapefruit 20, Mango Sling 30, Pineapple Rings 50

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